Disclaimer- I don't own Samurai Pizza Cats... yet. Saban Entertainment I think owns all of the characters, and storyline, except for my own characters and this story! All other characters, songs, etc. used are copyrighted by their owners. This is just Fanfiction! This is my storyline for the first few weeks after the comet has passed...(As well violence will follow in this series so be warned. I chose an R rating for it's just easier if all of the stories are the same rating.) Week One- Little Tokyo is rebuilding itself from the comet, but morale is high, as the city becomes a large tourist attraction. Princess Vi appoints Big Al as the new Prime Minister. The Pizzeria receives a record number of customers. As well, Good Bird proposes to Carla, and she accepts, unknown to Vi (!). Big Cheese and Jerry Attrick are now long forgotten, as well, the Ninja Crows, have supposedly disbanded, and left the city's limits. Week Two- Carla and Bad Bird are married, but since much of their money has been spent on the wedding, they have still not found a good place to have their honeymoon. Princess Vi has sold many of the Big Cheese's expensive Kimonos and all of his possessions that he left, and with that money, buys military weapons, tanks, the works, to prevent any future supervillians from attacking. Week Three- The weather takes turns for the worse and gets colder, but without any snow. With many of the Pizza Cat fans, finishing their vacations, and tours of Little Tokyo business slows down at the pizzeria. Our story takes place at the pizzeria, where the Pizza Cats get... "Snowed In" By Alpha Draconis For some of us life is a journey, with its hardships, joys, sorrows, and wonders. For our heroes, their lives will be changed forever... Chapter 1- The Canucks The mourning light gleamed through the windows of the Pizza Cats Pizzeria. The cool crisp December air whipped around the building, as the citizens of Little Tokyo went about their daily business. Thought it was fairly quiet in the city. Many of the tourists had either left, or were staying indoors on the cold day. Much has happened since the threat of the comet was vanquished, as the royal treasuries had been restored, the now Good Bird, had married his love Carla, but he was not the richest man, and didn't have enough money for a honeymoon. But, for most of the city, the daily routine of life had resumed... Speedy quietly snored as he napped in the pizzeria. It had been a slow day, and the rest of the team was sleeping too. The other restaurants with the Rescue Team had closed early, and the other pizza cats took the day off. Though the Pizza Cats Pizzeria was still open, it wasn't busy, but it was open. Speedy twitched and lazily opened his eyes. He yawned and stretched then stood up, and looked around. Sigh, he thought, still no customers, it has gotten boring ever since the Big Cheese was exiled. Sure there were mobs of adoring Pizza Cats fans for the first several weeks, but now, nothing. It seemed every week they had fought a monstrous, evil robot. But now, everything was quiet. Speedy lazily walked up to the cash register when Francine was sleeping. Speedy quietly took the keys for the mailbox and walked outside. He lazily opened the mailbox and took the mail inside. He walked inside, and sat back down on the chair he was sleeping on, and then he thumbed through the mail. "Bills...bills...bills...huh?" He was confused, for one of the letters was from Canada. He scratched his head. He did know anyone from Canada... except... He opened the letter and quickly read it over. His lazy expression changed to that of surprise and joy. He energetically ran through the building shouting out in joy. "THEY'RE COMING! THEY'RE COMING!" He yelled as he ran past Guido's room. Then other cat opened the door and wondered what his crazy friend was talking about. Good Bird walked out of the kitchen yawning and watching the cat run by. "Now what..." He cawed. Polly walked down the stairs hearing the shouting cat. She waited a moment and stuck out her right foot, and like clockwork, Speedy bounded around the corner and tripped over her foot and fell headfirst to the ground. "Speedy how many times do I have to tell you that the Bogeymen are not coming to get you." Polly scolded. "No they're leaving me alone for now, but the Canucks are coming!" "The who?" Guido asked, as he a tired Francine and a peeved Good Bird, walked towards them. "Well, it all started a long time ago, when I was ten..." ~Flashback~ 'My father was a businessman, and he travelled all over the world. Once, dad, my mom, and I went to Vancouver. My dad had a business conference so my mom and me went to a nearby carnival... Boy those Canadians can really make cotton candy... Where was I? Oh yeah... ' "Mom, I want to go on the roller coaster, and then the space ship, then the funhouse, then the haunted house, and, and then-" "Speedy honey, I am going over to the food court. Your can go on the roller coasters, and if you need me just come get me." "Okay mom!" 'It was about midday, and I had went on several roller coasters and then I met them...' Young Speedy is seen walking over to the bumper cars, and gets in one of them. Other kids get into the bumper cars, and with a jolt the cars start up. Speedy drives around when... BUMP! He bangs head on with another car. The other driver was a dog, a German Shepard, no more than ten. Both cars come to a stop, and Speedy and the other driver just laugh. The other cars stop and everyone gets out of their cars. Speedy and the other driver meet up outside the bumper car ride. "Man, that was a crash!" Young Speedy exclaims. "Yeah! You're not from around here huh?" "Nope. My family lives in Japan." "Wow, that's far. My brother and I live in Vancouver. By the way, my name's Jeremy. What's yours?" "Speedy." "Good to meet you Speedy." Jeremy said, looking over his shoulder. "Here's my brother," he says as another German Shepard appears out of the crowds. 'I could tell that the two were twins, but they weren't identical!' "Alex, mom is looking for you, hey who's he?" "This is my friend Speedy!" Jeremy cheerfully replies. "Hi." Speedy simply says. "Speedy this is my brother Derek." "But you can call me... Derek." He dumbly replied. "He can call you ugly too." "Watch your mouth runt!" "Shut up!" "Make me!" Young Speedy stares surprised and shocked, as two the brothers tackle each other to the ground and begin fighting, and barking insults at each other. 'But blood is thicker than water and they were still friends' ~End Flashback~ "...We became good friends, and when we left for Japan, I had made two new friends. We were pen pals for a while, then I joined the Pizza cats, and the joined the "Canucks." That is Canada's 'pizza cats.' After that we hardly talked, and it was too expensive to visit the other, so kind of drifted apart." Speedy finished. "But now?" Polly asked. "They are taking a vacation to Japan!" Speedy gleamed. "That's great Speedy! But where are they going to stay?" Guido asked. "I...um...well... was wondering..." Speedy mumbled. The four eyed him. "What! They've never been to Japan, and I'm sure if we were going to Canada, they'd let us stay with them." "I dunno Speedy," Guido said in a real suave voice, " Couple of foreigners, might just cramp my style." Everyone rolls their eyes. "Well," Said Francine, pulling out her calculator and typing on several keys. "If we let them stay here, then they have to work and if they ARE working here, we could increase productivity by 40%, and with the extra money-" "Whoa, Francine, slow down!" Speedy said. "I don't even know if they can stay, much less work here." Good Bird checked his watch and spoke up. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to take my break now." Good bird called out as he left the parlour. "Good luck on finding a vacation!" Speedy called out. Good bird grumbled something unintelligible back. Polly giggled at Speedy, while walking over to a table. "What? What did I do?" He innocently asked. Before Polly could answer, the videophone began to ring. "One minute Speedy," Polly said as she walked over to the phone and turned it on. A friendly and familiar face greeted her. "Good mourning Polly." Big Al said over the phone. "Hey Al, what shaking?" Speedy asked casually walking over. "Not too much, Prisoner Island contacted us earlier, and Big Cheese and Jerry are nowhere to be seen. It seems the monsoons and ocean storms send them out into the ocean. None of the neighbouring islands have reported them being seen. It is possible that they have drifted onto some of the smaller unpopulated islands. I've just phoned to say that I will inform you of any future developments, and- " (Off in the background) "I'M SENDING YOU TO PRISONER ISLAND!" *Gulp* Sounds like princess Vi lost at Checkers again. Talk to you soon Pizza Cats." And with that Al's transmission ended. "Well, that was brief," Speedy said, "Back to work," he said as walked back to the chair he was napping in, and sat down. Meanwhile Francine yawned and answered the phone as it rung. "Samurai Pizza Cats, Pizza's our middle name." Francine listened intently to the person on the phone, and jotted an order some nearby paper. "Alright that's one medium sized pepperoni." She said, while writing down an address. "Alright, it will be there in thirty minutes, or your pizza's cold." Francine hung up the phone. "Listen everybody, we've got a delivery to make." The cats looked over to Francine. "Guido, I need you to-" "I'm sorry Francine, but I've got some important work to do around the couch. Send Speedy." Replied Guido lounging on the couch. Francine grumbled something while taking a pizza out of the kitchen and handing it to Speedy. "Who's it to Fran?" Speedy energetically asked. "Lucille." She replied, checking the cash register. Polly looked up, an almost sad look on her face. "Back in a minute." Speedy said, walking out of the parlour. Polly sighed, and rested her head on the table. She thought for a moment. She and Lucille had been the best of friends ever since college, when hey were the 'Pointless Sisters' (see episode 27(?),' but ever since the comet, they had slowly drifted apart. Polly could guess it was about Speedy and herself. Perhaps Lucille liked having Guido and Speedy vying for her affection. She glanced over at a snoozing Guido. He seems to have cooled off, towards her as well. She must be taking it hard. Anyway, she thought, her and Speedy are an item, Lucille would have to realize that sooner or later... wouldn't she? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speedy shivered as he carried the pizza to Lucille's teashop. It was bitterly cold, but without snow. He looked around the city. Cranes, citizens, and just about everything else were in motion, fixing roofs, installing plumbing, and repairing the city overall. "Boy with all of this work you think they'd want some pizzas," Speedy noted as he walked down the street. He looked up ahead and saw Lucille's teahouse. He ran up to it walked inside. "Burr," he shivered, "I've heard of Ice Ages warmer than this." He looked around the shop, noticing several customers, and Lucille working at the register. He casually walked up to her. "Hi Lucille, got your pizza." She seemed not to notice. "Lucille?" "What? Oh hi Speedy!" "Pizza delivery." "Thank you Speedy." Lucille said while reaching into her purse, Speedy glanced off into the back room, and saw Lucille still had much of the comet pieces unsold. His attention shifted back to Lucille as she handed him the money. "So..." He said. "So..." Lucille repeated. "Bye." He abruptly said, as he turned and left the teahouse. "He didn't even make his stupid faces..." Lucille sighed, as she went back to work. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back At The Parlour~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The crisp afternoon air whisked around the parlour, as the sun peeked through a blanket of clouds from the sky. Speedy casually strolled through Little Tokyo's streets. He arrived back at the pizza parlour as Francine was closing up shop. "Hey Francine," He said, "Closing early?" "Yeah... How is Lucille doing?" "Fine I guess..." Francine nodded and closed the doors after Speedy walked in. Guido laid on the couch, Polly at the table, while Good Bird was not back yet from his break. Speedy walked up to Polly and sat down beside her. "What's wrong Polly?" Speedy asked. "What? Oh... It's nothing..." "C'mon, tell." Speedy persisted. "Well-" "Hey guys I've got it!" Good Bird came running to front door, yelling loudly. I wonder if he knows Francine closed early, Speedy thought. SMASH! Guess not, he ended as he opened the doors and dragged Bird in. Guido yawned and sat up seeing Bird, and wisely made no comment. Good Bird seemed unharmed and began to regale the cats with his idea. "Speedy I've got it! Your friends are coming to Little Tokyo, and are staying here, so their house would be empty. Do you know what that means?" Speedy looked over to Polly who gestured drinking. "It means me and Carla can stay THERE. We could never afford to go to North America and rent a home there, but in this case all we'll have to pay for is airfare." "It's a good idea Bird, but we don't even know if they can come here." Speedy replied. The other cats nodded. "Well... we have to find a way to talk to them, and arrange this little vacation." Polly yawned, as she spoke up. "Couldn't we have a little catnap first?" The rest of group agreed. ~~~~~~~~(Not much action so far, but bear with me)~~~~~~~~~~ "1-7-0-5-7-2-8-1-7-2-0," Speedy loudly said as he typed the digits into the phone. "It's ringing." He whispered to a nearby Francine, Good Bird, and his love Polly. "Just remember it costs $7.75 per minute to phone that winter wonderland, so if you start chatting I'll dock your pay!" Francine scolded. Speedy nodded, as he waited for the phone. "Hi, is Derek or Jeremy there? Hi Jeremy! Man, you sound older, how's Derek? Huh, I never..." Francine ran into the kitchen and came out brandishing a frying pan (!!!). "Anyway, Jeremy," He quickly began. "We were wondering, since you'll be staying with us, we were wondering if my friend could stay at your house while you're here... They won't wreck anything... He's not smart enough to do that... Just leave reminders. Ok? There we go, so how's your dad, still with the computer busi-CLANG!! Speedy was abruptly cut short, by some familiar cookware. "Polly this thing works great." She giggled as she hung up the phone. "Works for me." Polly laughed. "Oww... That brings back memories." Speedy moaned. "When are they coming?" Bad Bird asked. "Tomorrow." "TOMORROW!" The others yelled. "Yeah...today for them. They always were impulsive. At least Derek." "I gotta get plane tickets. And pack. And tell Carla!" Bird yelled as he ran back to his house. "Bon voyage." Francine waved. "Now we have to figure out where these friends of yours have to stay." "Polly's room." Guido suggested as he came back from a delivery, and headed straight to his room. "That's an idea." Francine thought aloud. "Polly is anything left in your old room?" Polly thought for a moment, "I don't think so. I moved most of my stuff in with Speedy." Lovebirds, Fran giggled to herself. "Personally I don't care for pink." Speedy grumpily said. "And me for Top Gun." Polly said matter-of-factly. "How can you not like Top Gun, it's a masterpiece!" Francine and Polly both laughed at their friend. "What?" He asked. "So it's settled," Francine jotted down. "They'll stay in Polly's old room, or the living room upstairs, and they'll work regular hours." "I think I forgot to mention that." Speedy muttered. Hopefully Good Bird will have a good honeymoon. I'm surprised Princess Vi hasn't stepped in anytime." The other two cats looked nervously away. "You mean Vi doesn't know?" Speedy was shocked. The two nodded. "Well, if she finds out while he's on his honeymoon, then he has a fairly good chance of avoiding her anger." "Knowing Vi, she'll have forgotten him, by the time he gets back." Polly said. "Or get her mom to catch Good Bird." Francine piped in. "Or will have sent every weapon available to annihilate Carla." Speedy monotonously replied. The three sighed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The moon hung in the night sky like... well, what hangs in night skies? The city's lights turned on, lighting the streets and alleys. The Pizza Parlour's lights were dim. Guido and Francine slept quietly in their rooms, wondering what the coming day would bring, as across the street Carla and Good Bird slept in their house, which was very messy from the quick packing job. Polly seemed to be the only one awake, as she thought to herself. She then leaned over to a sleeping Speedy. "Speedy..." She whispered. "Speedy?" He grunted in disapproval. Polly thought for a moment and then pinched Speedy's nose shut. He snorted trying to breathe and after a few seconds woke up. "Uhhh... Polly, it's two in the morning. What is it?" "Speedy, how was Lucille yesterday?" "Fine. Goodnight." He rolled over and tried to sleep. "Speedy, Speedy?" "What?" He groggily replied. "I mean did she say anything about us?" Polly said trailing off. Speedy sat up and talked to her. "Polly I think you're the cat's meow, and nothing is going to change that." Polly smiled and hugged Speedy. "Now can we sleep?" Both lied down again on the bed. "Speedy?" "What?" He said, a little ticked off. "I was just thinking about the Big Cheese?" "What?" "I was just wondering why he always explodes. Goodnight." After several seconds Speedy sat bolt upright in bed. "Why DOES he explode?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Halfway across the world, in the Vancouver Airport, trouble as the say in third rate coffee shops, was brewing... "I'm sorry sir you cannot classify this as carry on luggage." The flight attendant stated. "Whaddya mean carry on?" Derek yelled. Derek was a strange German Shepard if ever you see one. With a loud mouth equal to Vi's, and an outgoing personality to boot, you'd expect to see him at the nosiest frat house drinking whole kegs, or throwing the largest party physically imaginable. He wore a black baseball cap on his head, reading 'Canucks,' he wore baggy contractor jeans, a Nike T-Shirt, and a black vest. He looked no older than any of the cats and was about Guido's height. His eyes were an untamed, lush green. He also wore a Canadian copy of Austin Powers's infamous undergarments, but don't get me started... "Just put him in the cargo area." His twin brother Jeremy told the attendant. At first glance, Jeremy looks much the same as his brother except for having lighter coloured fur, and being slightly shorter. He was clad in an "I Am Canadian!" sweater, and tan Khakis. "All right take him away..." Derek finally agreed, "But not a scratch. That hunk of junk is Canada's finest." Derek chided the attendant, as the two brothers boarded the plane. As some other flight crew carried the luggage away the attendant muttered under her breath, "Asshole..." ~~~~~~~~~~14 Hours Later, No wait, they travel from Vancouver, East, so they go back in the time changes, but 14 hours have passed, for the Canadians but, since of the time change... It's mourning in an local city's airport.... ~~~~~~~~ The four Cats as well as Good Bird and Carla walked through the bustling airport to their destination. "Gate 13... Not a good sign..." Good Bird cawed. "Birdie I'm sure the flight will be fine. The only problem is having to pack in several hours. Next time I want some warning before we travel half way across the world." Carla replied. All eyes fell on Speedy. He laughed nervously. The group walked by many gates with interesting and foreign peoples. Several Jehovah's Witnesses approached Speedy. "Excuse me sir how would like to live a life of peace and happiness?" One asked. Speedy thought for a second, then Polly grabbed him by the ear and dragged him along. The witnesses shrugged, and continued... "Excuse me ma'am..." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Gate 13," Carla proudly announced, "Only several more minutes and we no longer have to fear Vi's little Karamaru fetish." "At least for a couple of weeks." Guido joked. "Who cares how long, it's a new country, where we can hideout 'till the heat dies down." "Now he thinks a mobster." Speedy sighed. "Carla you be sure stay out of trouble in Canada." Polly joked, "If you meet any cute guys get my their phone numbers kay?" The two laughed. "The more I learn about women, the less I really know." Speedy observed. "Don't worry Speedy I'll send you postcards, from all of the wondrous sites we see." Good Bird bragged. "What site can you see in Vancouver?" Fran asked. "You'll learn when I send the postcards." The PA came on. "Attention all passenger aboard flight 999, non-stop to Vancouver, the plane is now boarding." "Well, we'll be sure to call." Carla called as she walked off. "Bye Pizza Cats." The former ninja crow called out. "Bye-bye." "So long." "Good riddance!" "Well now that you mention it I find my life is not that spiritually fulfilling, and- OW!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Alright, folks this is your pilot speaking. We have been cleared for takeoff, the weather today negative seven, and we should arrive in Vancouver, British Columbia at approximately six pm local time, weather permitting." The engine of the plane roared to life, and jerked forward. It slowly turned onto a long stretch of road, picking up speed. The Pizza Cats watched from Gate 13, as the plane sped incredibly, and soared off into the heavens. Speedy glanced at his watch, and then looked at large flight schedule. "I hate to ruin the moment, but Jeremy and Derek's plane landed twenty minutes ago." The cats all walked through the seemingly endless halls of the airport. "There!" Francine called out. Gate 45, displayed the Canuck's flight number. As the cats walked over, the passengers began filing out of the plane. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "God, he weighs a ton!" Derek groaned as he dragged a large crate off of the plane. "Well you thought the landing crew would wreck him." His brother calmly replied. Derek mumbled something unintelligible. While his brother walked along the moveable hallway to the Gate's exit, reading from a dictionary. "UuSAA- Himaaay," he proudly enunciated, "Omiiitsuu," He brother looked up with an agitated face, "konnyy-chiwaa." "What the hell are you doing?" His brother asked, laying the heavy crate down. "Japanese terms. Kyatto Ninden T-Teyandee." "Mmm-hmm, and that would mean?" "... Ninja Cat Legend... I think." "I'm so sure we'll need to say Kyatto Ninden Teyandee, in Little Tokyo." "Probably not." Derek had taken a tiny remote out from his pocket and typed in several commands. "Hey, who's going to carry-" "He will carry... himself." He finished typing one final button. The lid to the crate was then forcefully broken off. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speedy, glanced at his watch. The digital display read eight thirty. He glanced back up the doors to the Gate were opened and Canadians poured into the airport by the dozens. "Just remember," Speedy said walking out of the tourists's stampede, "They are their country's superheroes." Yet all of the tourists looked the same. The cats sighed. "You think being a superhero, you'd get noticed." "Not if you were undercover." Guido said, "Like Batman, Superman, Spiderman, not Aquaman though..." "Hey I think I see them!" Francine called out. Sure enough the two German Shepards walked into view. "They're a lot cuter than I thought, eh Speedy?" Polly teased. "Is that Speedy?" Called Jeremy. "Jeremy?" "Speedy!" "Jeremy!" "Hello? Unnoticed twin brother here?" "Guys," Speedy began, "I'd like you to meet, Jeremy and Derek. The Canucks... At least part of them. " "Bienvenue." Jeremy smartly replied. "Hey." Derek simply put. "Good to meet you, I'm Guido Anchovy, and this is Francine Manx, and Polly Ester." Guido introduced. "A pleasure." Francine blushed. "Hi guys." Polly greeted. "Wow, you're a lot different than I had ever imagined." Jeremy observed. "Man, likewise." Guido eyed them over, "No offense but I was expecting a lumberjack, fur trader, or hockey player." "Good old stereotypes, where would we be without them." Derek stated "I said no offense." "Naw, I was just kidding around." "Guys, I hate to interrupt but we need to get back to the pizzeria." Francine said. "Let's go... Oh wait can't forget Rob." Derek said, pushing a button on one tiny remote. Back near Gate 45, a third member of the Canucks was revealed. The cats gasped in awe. "Introducing our cybernetic, automatic, energetic, electric, field-research/combat automaton." Jeremy announced. "We call him Rob." Rob was a sight to behold. He had large sections of metal protect parts of his human-like frame, like his chest, lower legs, and forearms. Various black plastic coverings and large wires would be where there was no body armour. You would immediately think of Battlestar Galactica seeing this character. His head was covered with metal armour, protecting his large single lens/eye, placed in the centre of his forehead. A large metal jaw imitated a real mouth but moved with each syllable form his electric voice. Rob slowly looked from side to side and then spoke. "I am a model CMR-02 android, programmed for, research, combat, diplomacy, and various other functions." "That and he cheats at chess." Derek joked. "But master Derek, I was not programmed to cheat." "He also needs a sense of humour." The cats looked at each other. "Was it something I said?" Rob asked. "It's not you, we're just used to fighting robots like you." Polly stated. "Oh... I see. Well am I have been programmed to not harm or allow harm come to any life." "Come on cats, and dogs, the restaurant won't run itself." Francine impatiently insisted. "If you have problems with the store's efficiency, various android with limited intelligence..." Rob began. Derek whispered Jeremy. "What do you think of our hosts?" "They seem nice enough." "Yeah... What kind of name is Polly Esther? I mean, Polly Esther, polyester?" "Hmm... good point." "She's hot though." His brother grinned. Rob's internal flared online inside his mind. WARNING: FOREIGN VIRUS ENTERING SYSTEMS. VIRUS INFECTED ALL SYSTEMS, His warning showed. The droid seemed fine, until his fingers began to twitch uncontrollably.... TO BE CONTINUED!!!